Functional Testing 02: Preparation is the Key to Success

Second in a series focusing on using JMeter for functional testing of an API.

A little preparation will save us tons of time later when everything changes. And everything is always certain to change.

After the fun excitement of the first tutorial in which we made our very first API call with JMeter, we are going step back and do some very boring preparation for the future. One thing we can be certain of is that changes happen in software projects. A small amount of effort put in early in a project can greatly help reduce the headache of updates and maintenance later down the timeline. So in this tutorial we start venturing down the path to setting up our test plan to be able to weather changes in API location, paths, and http ports, and more.

Continue reading “Functional Testing 02: Preparation is the Key to Success”

Functional Testing 01: Your First API Call

First in a series focusing on using JMeter for functional testing of an API.

Let’s get started!

In our first tutorial we will learn how to setup a very basic HTTP Request Sampler to make a call to an API running on the internet. I will introduce  JMeter test plans, thread groups, HTTP Request Samplers, and View Results Tree Listeners.

Continue reading “Functional Testing 01: Your First API Call”